
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   NL 49105522
2.   CN 12731699
3.   US 7260926
4.   HK 5065568
5.   RU 3902600
6.   BG 2701065
7.   GB 2581334
8.   DE 2074831
9.   SG 1872690
10.   IN 1458609
11.   KR 1334539
12.   JP 1318493
13.   FR 1275369
14.   UA 1006260
15.   BD 878383
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 1485829
2. root 511103
3. 111111 505304
4. password123 480561
5. system 470162
6. 123321 453134
7. admin123 440423
8. 1q2w3e4r 436629
9. abcd1234 431244
10. qazwsx 427718
11. p@ssw0rd1 423763
12. qazxswedc 421295
13. server 418537
14. adminadmin 417859
15. p@ssw0rd123 417779