
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 28731236
2.   TW 3034450
3.   US 2083676
4.   CN 1917170
5.   HK 1143300
6.   CZ 835278
7.   IN 834526
8.   SG 673518
9.   DE 564803
10.   PL 562752
11.   GB 482132
12.   RU 414333
13.   KR 339957
14.   BR 317301
15.   KP 266957
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 233186
2. admin@123 178617
3. 123qwe!@# 174977
4. 1qaz@WSX 170032
5. admin123# 169690
6. abc@123 169579
7. P@$$w0rd 169351
8. root@123 169255
9. Admin123456 169024
10. qwe123!@# 168498
11. Admin123!@# 167794
12. root123!@# 165187
13. P@ssword 159992
14. !QAZ1qaz 159410
15. abcd@123 159296