
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   US 3668643
2.   RO 3069577
3.   TW 2976810
4.   CN 2929706
5.   DE 1552369
6.   IN 1457576
7.   HK 1436961
8.   UA 1070238
9.   RU 998042
10.   NL 840104
11.   SG 758792
12.   GB 643108
13.   BD 501894
14.   KR 378145
15.   BE 367475
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 829950
2. 1qaz2wsx 817473
3. password 365302
4. 1234 265430
5. 111111 162758
6. 123 118175
7. 12345 117141
8. admin 105054
9. 1 62477
10. P@ssw0rd 47695
11. pass 47165
12. 666666 46116
13. root 41879
14. 12345678 41667
15. 1234567890 40699